Sunday, April 23, 2006

3500 years ago...

3500 years ago, people in Egypt worshipped different Gods than we do, although some have similar stories (Osiris and Horus). When we look back upon that time, we see them in a sense as ridiculous and primitive. How could someone pray to the image of a man with a dog's head, or a man with a bird's head, and accept that as God? Or, even think that it would grant his prayers and wishes? But 3,500 years from now, if humanity still exists, then people will look back on this time, they will look at our God, and think how we worshipped a man nailed to a piece of wood. And most pitiful of all, how could we not even listen to the most basic teaching and foundation of all his work: treat others the way you wish to be treated. If we treated America the way it has treated our people, we would be called terrorists, rapists, thieves, murderers. History cannot be wiped away in the sand and forgotten.

-Immortal Technique


sondjata said...

Wow! Immortal really got the Egyptian system wrong. No one thought that images of anpu and Horus were God. They believed that they were physical representatives of that particular God Force.

Abdul-Halim V. said...

I think it probably depends on where you want to draw the line. For example, do Christians think that "a man nailed to a piece of wood" is really God? Well, from one point of view, yes. From another point of view, no. It depends on how careful you want to be with your theology, and also it depends on what side you are on.