Sunday, June 05, 2005

need a recharge...

Inspired by the recent discussion on muslimahsoul's blog about honesty... in the interests of candor, I should say that I've been feeling a bit down for a while... Like I really need a spiritual recharge. I feel like I've let myself get caught up and distracted by too many irrelevant/irreverent things. Some time ago I met with some local Shadhilis in the area for dhikr and they were really nice people but I soon got busy with other things and stopped going for several months now. Their Shaykh, Sidi Muhammad Sa'id al-Jamal ash-Shadhuli is nearby for a couple of days and I had been planning to go see him, but I've almost let his entire visit slip past me. InshaAllah I'll catch the tail end tomorrow and will be more motivated. But it almost feels like it would just be a band aid. Somehow I need to make a real recommitment, take the rust off.

But then the trick is how to actually go about doing that. Is it a matter of joining the "right" Islamic organization? Participating in the "right" activity? I know Hamza Yusuf came out with a short booklet called "An Agenda to Change Our Condition" which contains a basic program to follow to strengthen ones iman and taqwa. But I wonder if these kinds of approaches are even the right ones. Is it about an internal decision, or is it about external actions? The environment? A combination of things?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As-salamu alaykum! Sidi Muhammad is currently in the States & insha'allah will be at several events throughout the summer & fall. Details at

yunuswesley (at) earthlinkdotnet